The art of the perfect fit

Notes from DRAW

This week for our Working in the Arts profile, we talk to Craig Burnett. So, where do you work?  Pilar Corrias, London What is your job title?   Director of Exhibitions What time do you wake up? What are you usual working hours? I wake up at 6:30 – that’s when my alarm goes off at least, on…

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AWITA Sponsored Memberships

DRAW are incredibly proud to support this years AWITA Sponsored Membership programme. AWITA strives to support the talent pipeline through professional development, mentoring and networking. Fifteen sponsored memberships are available annually to encourage the widening participation and diversity…

Working in the Arts: From Boutique to Blue Chip – Celia Kinchington

Working in the Arts: From Boutique to Blue Chip, moving from a small team to a large business can be intimidating, and feel well beyond your comfort zone if you don’t have that experience. We caught up with Celia Kinchington who made that move on a grand scale, to hear how she handled this…

Working in the Arts: Victoria Clay

This month’s Working in the Arts segment focusses on Victoria Clay who is the Junior Cataloguer and Valuer for the Paintings and Jewellery departments at Catherine Southon Auctioneers and Valuers. Where do you work? I work at Catherine Southon Auctioneers and Valuers. What is your job title? I am…

Working in the Arts: Lindsay Dewar

This month’s Working in the Arts segment focusses on Lindsay Dewar, Head of Analytics at ArtTactic. What time did you wake up and what are you usual working hours? I’m an early bird and will often be at the gym for 6.30am before heading straight to work, which means my usual working hours are…

Update from Julia @DRAW

Congratulations Julia on completing her CIPD Level 5, Julia is now an Associate of the CIPD! Julia tells us a bit about how this came about and how it can help you.         Since leaving the corporate world behind and starting my own business, nearly 15 years ago, it seems like every day has…

Working in the Arts – Art Tech Special: Rebecca Davison-Mora

Rebecca Davison-Mora is the Communications Manager at Arcarta, a due diligence platform that supports the art market. Previously she worked in various leadership roles at arts institutions and commercial galleries in Toronto, Canada. She holds a Master’s degree in Arts and Cultural Management…

Working in the Arts – Art Tech Special: Nick Walter

This week for working in the arts we spoke to Nick Walter, CEO of Vortic Art. Vortic is a powerful virtual reality and digital exhibition ecosystem for galleries, institutions and collectors to quickly and sustainably curate, share, and revisit exceptional exhibitions with any viewer, anywhere in…

Working in the Arts – Art Tech Special: Tanya Van Sant

For the next few weeks we are focusing our Working in the Arts segment on the intersection between art and technology. To kick things off we chatted to Tanya Van Sant, Vice President of Personnel at Artlogic. Since 1994, Artlogic has been building technology to improve the art world. With complete…